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Homeopathy works for all

What My Patients Say

Check out some of the feedback from past patients detailing how I've helped improve their health and overall lifestyle. Book a Free Discovery Call today to schedule an appointment and start your own healing process.

Aro Tong

我本身係二十幾年來都無用過任何一種西藥(包括Covid 19時的疫苗)因為見過太多飽受西藥後遺症摧殘而持續痛苦嘅人。我的女兒出生至今都沒有服用西藥。 在十年前,有幸遇到Homeopathy療法,治療師嘅一粒神奇糖仔,就能使病程扭轉,更好多時復原時間上,也不比西藥遜色! 在經過呢十年的接觸,知道「糖. 療劑」原來係世界上某單一種,天然元素所制,咁就絕對無化學作用所導致,對身體嘅損害! 另加上很榮幸得知,英國皇家,包括以前嘅Queen Elizabeth II 及現今國王King Charles III都係一直使用Homeopathy。 咁就更加覺得選擇正確同安心!

Carmen Lau

My daughter has had a cough for weeks. Kester gave some homeopathic medicine to my daughter after she diagnoses my daughter's illness.  My daughter had a slight fever during the treatment, but was fine after a day. She has been using those medicine for a week and her cough has gone away and her appetite improved.

Wincy Lau

Kester 首先細心地詳細了解我情況,得知我的確實不適感覺,處方了對應撞傷痛楚的療劑,講解了食用份量及方法,及進食療劑後的不同感覺處理方法。
進食療劑前,我撞傷的肌肉,如果以10級滿分為例,我大概有7級痛楚。第一晚跟指示進食了一粒,我沒有使用其他按摩止痛膏, 到第二天發現痛楚減少了一半,到晚上再進食一粒,到第三天只餘少量痛楚。


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